Astrological Charts & Readings
Lynette offers a variety of astrological charts, readings, and services for both personal and business reasons. These include:
Phone Charts – Lynette records the information you are seeking, while talking directly to you and uses her uncanny ESP, which is powerful thru the telephone lines. If a critical time frame is coming into you future, she will guide you thru it. Your tape will be mailed to you within a week.
Progressed Charts –This chart represents the planets moving from time of birth to present year, which shows where you've been and where you're going.
Solar Return Charts –This charts your birth date, and reveals what your upcoming year will bring for you in detail. This includes all 12 houses in the Zodiac, such as money, career, health, love life, children, friends, and spiritual direction.
Astral Cartography Charts –This is a relocation chart that reveals the best place for you to live to make money, to find wealth, health, and happiness.
We will also travel to your party and corporate event. Spice up your event with Astrology/Mediumship and ESP readings.
Ask Lynette about her many Lectures that she speaks at many times throughout the year.
We'd be delighted to contact you and discuss being of service to you.
Click here to provide us with your contact information and we will give you a call.